RPAPlayersRoom Summer2015 - page 29

it’salwaysgreattogetback intothe
Richardyoudeliveredpresentations recently tobothHarlequins
andWasps, can you explainhow theywent?
I really enjoyed both talks, it’s always great toget back into the rugby
environment andgive back to the game that gaveme somuch. The
feedback has beengood from both talks and it was brilliant to reunite
with some old friends andmeet some new people aswell.
Bothpresentations drew strongattendances, howpleasingwas
this to see?
It’s always a good feelingwhenpeople turn up tomy talks (laughs).
Turning up is one thing and staying awake is another, so thankfully
I managed to tick both those boxes. But forme it’s fantastic to be able
to sharemy experiences and really reach out to people and say ‘yes I’ve
been through a lot’ but despite this I feel incredibly lucky that I’m now
able to inspire others. It’s also fantastic to beworkingwith the RPA in this
capacity and to help players at both the top end of the game and also at
academy level.
What is thenumber one thingyouhope theplayers tookout of
Each individual will take something different frommy experiences. I’m not
one to tell peoplewhat to dowith their lives, it wasmore of a chance to
sharemy story in the hope that itmight
provoke the boys to think differently
about how they achieve optimumperformance
as rugby players and also the values they
demonstrate every day in rugby that can
influence their futures.
How important do youbelieve it is for
former players togiveback to thegame?
I think it’s extremely important! Giving back
in life is one ofmy philosophies and I strongly
believe that if we all give back in one shape or
form, theworldwill be amuch better place.
Particularly in rugby, the game gives you so
much throughout your career, youmeet terrific
people and see amazing places, so it’s crucial to
pass this on to other players.
Canyoudescribehowmuch youhavedeveloped as aperson since
retiring from rugby?
I feel that I’m a very different person now thanwhen I was a rugby
player. Physically I look very different, butmore importantlymy
experiences have developed a new outlook on life and I feel I’m in a
very different placementally since finishing the game. However a lot of
the values that underpin all the achievements that I have been able to
accomplish in this chapter ofmy life, were instilled and developed as a
rugby player.We all evolvewhatever career or life that we lead, evolution
is vital, if not inevitable.
How important has your team and your familybeen to you
throughout your life after rugby?
The concept of being part of a teamwill always be a big driver ofmine.
As a professional rugby player being part of a team, club and region
was always really powerful tome and droveme towant to playmy best
and represent them as best I could. Even the solo expeditions that I have
achieved after rugby have all been the result of an incredible support
team aroundme, my family, my communicationsmanager, my physio,
my sponsors, my agents, mymates they all play vital cogs inmy success.
Canyou explain your love for a challenge?
I’m passionate about pushing the boundaries of humanperformance,
and howwe can all learn from it. But on a simpler level, I believe in
following our hearts, doing our best and giving back. I think it’s vital
whatever we do or wherever wework, to challenge ourselves to step
outside of our comfort zone. It’swhenwe do this that we learnmore
about ourselves and the environment that we live in, andwith that
comes the ability for us togrow.
Formore informationonRichard Parks please
visit hiswebsitewww.richardparks.co.ukor
followhimon Twitter@richardparks
Richard’s book
Beyond TheHorizon
won the
Cross British Sports BookAwards – Rugby
Bookof theYear in June and canbeordered
online at eitherwww.waterstones.comor
Images courtesy of Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions.
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